Video Game Adaptations: Dead Space- Downfall

I didn’t even know this existed when I started this ridiculously misguided foray into video game adaptations, and when informed about it, I can’t honestly say I was that chuffed. For a start, what I know about Anime pretty much begins and ends with Akira and I’m not a huge fan of animation in general. Add that to that I really love the game and that Downfall is a prequel (Lucas has taught me a valuable lesson about this) meant that I approached this with a fair amount of caution and the finger of doom hanging just over the off button. Well, it turns out I was being unfair, and shock horror, Dead Space: Downfall is actually quite acceptable.

I haven’t got the slightest clue who was responsible for developing this, but looking at it, I would take a bet on Electronic Arts themselves. It’s quite a good idea, actually, as they seem to be building a whole multi-platform universe for Dead Space, and Downfall is the tale of what went wrong for the Ishimura and its forsaken crew. The game itself deals with the completely botched rescue mission, and many of these events (notably the accidental death of the captain) are either witnessed by the player over security tapes or heard on Audio logs, and Downfall does its best to incorporate these major events into the plot, and I have to say, handles it well.

Furthermore, actually, if PWS Anderson had put any thought into his prequel (Resident Evil) to a survival horror game, which he clearly didn’t, then he could quite easily have made some of the same decisions made here. Downfall follows a new character (as with Resident Evil): doomed security chief Vincent (voice acting veteran Nika Futterman) and the unfolding disaster taking place on the Ishimura. However, in Downfall, there’s none of the clunky and aggravating exposition that blights so many of these games adaptations, the developers allow essential knowledge to come in bits and pieces (particularly regarding the Unitarian Church). It’s well handled, and if anyone is intending to adapt a game with a complex mythology then this is the way to handle it.

Regarding the voice acting, well, for the most part it’s actually quite shit, and I think the wrong actors are cast in the wrong parts. For example, Kelly Hu plays neo-punk security guard Shen, and I’m nearly convinced she would have been better as Vincent. Jim Cumings is OK as the Captain, but no more and all the actors are stricken with the same problem: the dialogue is crap. As well as the plot and the link to the game were thought out, this is one script that required someone to polish the dialogue. There are so many terrible exchanges, such as the risible “rock worshipper” nonsense, that are just aggravating and every other word out of Vincent’s mouth is a ridiculously testosterone driven garbage. I appreciate that she’s meant to be badass, but it’s actually a bit embarrassing. A great case in point is this:

Alissa Vincent: This is no time to be a hero, Irons!
Samuel Irons: I’m not a hero, just a man.

Yikes! That’s terrible and is sadly merely indicative of the level of character writing in this. Alissa Vincent’s squad, for example, are blatant cannon fodder and there’s an attempt to capture the Drake/ Vasquez exchanges from Aliens, but they don’t work and it all falls a bit flat. To such an extent, actually that we’re plagued with Ricardo actually narrating an essential bit of character information while in the middle of doing something really important. Someone was aware of this, actually, so Vincent repeatedly tells him to shut up- to no avail.

Animation wise, well, erm, haven’t a clue. I suppose it’s OK on the basis that it looks like every other Anime (both of them) that I’ve ever seen. It’s not as slick as Akira but it doesn’t disgrace itself. There’s a veritable bucket load of claret thrown about in this film, and the confines of animation actually help it out- as they don’t particularly have to worry about the realism or plausibility of the gore: Shen is literally chainsawed straight down the middle for example. My only real complaint regarding the artwork in this film is that the necromorphs are far too similar to zombies, and not particularly well designed zombies, but that is harsh, though, given that almost all of the game’s standout beasts make it into the film.

All of which brings me round to the atmosphere of the film- it’s a fail, I’m afraid. I don’t know who made the call, but they sacrifice the creepiness of Dead Space the Game for a more gung-ho action approach. There are scenes that I’m sure were meant to be for atmosphere, but they don’t really work, and instead there’s another monster slaughtering scene waiting to pile in. Some of these are fun, but they do become repetitive by the latter stages of the film.

Nevertheless, despite all the above, I do have to say that I’m relatively impressed by this. It’s never going to be a classic, but by the dismal standards of the genre it’s damned good. It tells the story of the Ishimura well, doesn’t burden the screen with ridiculous exposition and manages to be a fitting accompaniment to the game. However, this last sentence really gives away what’s wrong with it: don’t bother and play the game instead (which is fucking fantastic) as Dead Space: Downfall is a touch redundant. If the intention is to expand the universe then it is successful, but I do have to say that I don’t give a fuck about Extended Universe stuff regardless of the Universe. I give it a completely balanced 2 out of 4, if you are interested, then it whips along at a good pace and isn’t boring, but if you’re not fussed then pass it by and it won’t make any difference to anyone’s life.


Until next time,


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About Jarv

Workshy cynic, given to posting reams of nonsense on the internet and watching films that have inexplicably got a piss poor reputation.

22 responses to “Video Game Adaptations: Dead Space- Downfall”

  1. Jarv says :

    Not bad as a companion piece but otherwise completely meh

  2. Frank Marmoset says :

    I played this game last year when I had one a them X Box thingies for a few months, and it was a really good game. Great atmosphere, loads of monster killing, and I liked the way you could keep upgrading your weapons and suit.

    I don’t want to watch this cartoon prequel, though, because I too am not a hero, just a man.

  3. koutchboom says :

    Yeah that’s about how I felt about it. Also the animation is just SO SO.

    • Jarv says :

      I’m no expert, but the animation looked to me like Anime by numbers. I think I said it was OK but not exactly Akira

      • koutchboom says :

        Yeah its fine, its just nothing special pretty weak anime. They were trying to make an anime with an American style of story. I think the monsters could’ve looked a little better.

      • Jarv says :

        I agree. The monsters are too zombie-like.

        It just looked like Anime to me. It isn’t Akira, but it wasn’t shoddy

      • koutchboom says :

        Well it was suppose to look like Animie, I think it was a Manga production. I think in the end though there attempt to “Americanize” the film meant cutting back on the animation style. Also the movie reminded me a lot of Pandorum. Most of the movie looked like something I’d see on Saturday morning cartoons in terms of quality. What was how tame the movie felt, because it has cuss words and clearly aimed at older kids. But the overall gore and monster’s were weak.

        Check out the poster for the second film, that’s pretty cool looking.

      • Jarv says :

        It’s available so I’m procuring it soon. Not too keen at the moment though.

      • minipicaso says :

        Nothing about this movie’s art-style says anime. It is EXTREMLEY western art. The way they draw the eyes, heads, bodies, it’s all western. I know, I’m an artist. I spend a lot of time comparing the two together. Just because it’s more realistic than Flapjack, doesn’t mean it’s anime (I love Flapjack by the way).
        Also, yeah, the animation itself was pretty crap. Why is it that it seems like American animation just keeps getting worse instead of better?


      • Jarv says :

        I admit to knowing nothing at all about Anime aside from what I’ve seen (Akira and Ghost in the Shell).

        All fair points. However, nothing in my mind forgives the crappy CG computer bookends. Unfuckingforgivable.

        Also, PLASMA CHAINSAW FTW!!!

      • koutchboom says :

        DORAEMON!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE WIN!!!

        THIS SUMMER IN IMAX!!!!!

  4. Droid says :

    Was this the one I linked to?

    This sounds like you need to be familiar with the game to know what the heck is going on.

    Also, Dead Space 2 is out on PS3. You gonna get it or wait til it goes el cheapo?

    • Jarv says :

      Cheapo. I think.

      Will be back in 9 minutes.

      • Jarv says :

        Back. Fuck work.

        Have glass of wine and cigarrette. It’s cheap wine as well so I feel almost bohemian.

        I don’t know which one you linked to, but both are available on Stagevu, so I’ll be watching the second one soon.

        The first one is a prequel, you see events that you see in hindsight in the game, but a knowledge of it doesn’t make any difference.

        I’ll lend you this game, it’s fucking brilliant- genuinely.

      • Droid says :

        Yeah I can’t remember either. I think its the newer one.

        Cool. I’m intrigued to play it after your raves.

      • Jarv says :

        It’s genuinely scary- and fairly fucking nasty- play it on easy. I’ve finished it on easy and medium and in all honesty, easy is more fun.

        It’s hugely satisfying clobbering a horde of screaming motherfuckers with the line gun and then moving in to buzzsaw their arms and shit off. Also, I know how to do the annoying bits (launching the probe and crossing the outside of the Ishimura- which I nearly threw the controller out the window doing).

      • Droid says :

        Cool. I usually go medium difficulty first up (because I rarely play a game twice) but with this one I’ll do it on easy because I like the idea of buzzsawing arms off!

  5. Droid says :

    I haven’t actually played anything on the ps3 for over a month. I was going to play some Black Ops tonight, but I can’t be assed. I bet you next month all I’ll do is play ps3. That’s how it goes.

  6. ThereWolf says :

    Don’t know anything about the game… haven’t got a PS3 anyway so that’s me boogered, coz the game sounds ace.

    The only ‘Dead Space’ I know is the pathetic, nudity-free remake of ‘Forbidden World’ and starring Marc Singer.

    Not a big fan of animation either but if this is on stagevu I’ll have a butchers…

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