Burt Gummer’s Rec Room- August 2012 Archive

A gathering place for firearms enthusiasts, paranoid survivalists and those who worship at the Church of Chang 

August. It’s high summer, and perfection is dustier than a camel’s shitter. We’re hemmed in here like a smorgasboard for the graboids. Best break out the Elephant Gun.

Disclaimer: This is the part of the Church that is the most no holds barred. None of it is intended with malice, and although it can on occasion seem a little bit fraught, it is banter rather than venom. So, be warned that this is like taking a naked swim in a piranha tank and not recommended for the faint of heart.

523 responses to “Burt Gummer’s Rec Room- August 2012 Archive”

  1. Jarv says :

    New Rec Room.


  2. Jarv says :

    Last Night I watched Bathory: Countess of Blood.

    What a loaf. An attempt to tell the historical story of the countess, but simply mind-numbingly dull. I got sucked in because I was hoping it would be more like the legend and a countess dracula type deal.

    Anna Friel obliged to go topless every 10 minutes though.

  3. tombando says :

    Thinking back on the Keaton Bars: overhyped but event films of the day. Can you imagine Harold reviews of them at the time? I think fapping and embarrassment would be the result……he really should Not ‘write’ about film. Someone needs to lace his Shake w exlax and go from there.

  4. tombando says :

    For example, he hated Bane here in latest. Really? Well acted by Hardy, scary force of nature guy. He hated their fight. Seriously? Looked pretty brutal to me. He wanted Popeye vs. Bluto or something, pathetic.

  5. Droid says :

    B’day review scheduled for tomorrow.

  6. tombando says :

    So how are the olympics doing guys over there?

    • Jarv says :

      Badly. The only real surprise so far is that the Tube is working.

      I’m averaging about 3 hours sleep a night because of loudmouth Yank tourists falling out of Joe’s at 1 in the morning and making a fucking racket until about 4.30 when they eventually bugger off.

  7. tombando says :

    Typical. You have another 10 days of this or so.

  8. Droid says :

    New Skyfall trailer looks pretty decent.

  9. tombando says :

    So… Bourne Fore. Really? I like Renner and all, but this is goofy.

  10. tombando says :

    Skyfall might be good, I like Craig as Bond.

  11. Continentalop says :

    Did anyone else here see the Bantomweight fight at the Olympics where the Japanese kid got royally screwed (thankfully it was overturned)? Holy shit is boxing corrupt.

  12. Droid says :

    Ebert on Total Recall

    “Total Recall” is well-crafted, high energy sci-fi. Like all stories inspired by Philip K. Dick, it deals with intriguing ideas. It never touched me emotionally, though, the way the 1990 film did, and strictly speaking, isn’t necessary.

  13. Droid says :

    A wanky “critics” list this…


    28. Mulholland Dr.

    What a load of shit.

    The only film I was seriously considering for my top 10 was Some Like it Hot.

    • Continentalop says :

      I thought it was a pretty good list actually.

      Vertigo isn’t my favorite Hitch movie (comes in like 5th actually) but I understand it’s appeal. Tokyo Story, Citizen Kane, Rules of the Game, Sunrise, & The Searchers are all undeniably classics. Man with a Camera is incredibly innovative and technically influential.

      I do think 2001 & 8 1/2 are both overrated, and I think there are better films than Passion of Joan of Arc (even by Dreyer).

      But how did Godard’s “Histoire(s) du cinéma” make it? Fuck that film.

      • Droid says :

        I didn’t say it wasn’t a good list. Just a wanky critics list. Where’s Back to the Future!?!? hehe

      • Droid says :

        The other thing that makes it a wanky critics list is, including the aforementioned load of shit Mulholland Drive, there’s only 5 “classic” films listed that were made after 1980. You’re trying to tell me that 90% of all classic films were made before 1980? Bah! Rubbish.

      • Jarv says :

        The other other thing is the amount of “important” directors that feature-

        It’s almost namechecking everyone that’s “relevant”.


      • Continentalop says :

        Ok. But the real question is where is the Road Warrior?

        And you’re right about 28. Mulhuland Drive. That movie is shit.

      • Droid says :

        This is also true.

        Judging from my top 10, I’m obviously a film-illiterate neanderthal.

      • Droid says :

        I’ll be honest though, I haven’t seen a lot of them. I probably am a film-illiterate neanderthal.

        But a film like Breathless just doesn’t do anything for me. More than anything else, I found that movie frustratingly patchwork and lacking in compelling characters or story.

      • Continentalop says :

        I actually think there is very few true classics post 1980 for one big reason – lack of innovation.

        It is all context but it harder to make an impact after someone else does something first. The films that were the first to pull something off (or first to pull off something successfully to be more accurate) will obviously be ranked higher and be held in higher regard. And the longer film is around the less new ground is left to break.

        Breathless might not do anything for you droid but the influence and impact it had us undeniable. And that is what I think has to be taken into account.

      • Droid says :

        Okay, so I’m assuming Avatar will be on the next Top 50 since that films influence and impact is undeniable. And it’s a better film than Breathless.

      • Droid says :

        But if you’re going to go for influential and impact, then Jaws should be on there. Basically invented the summer event movie. And is a brilliant film too.

      • Jarv says :

        There are films from Pre-1980 that I’d put in that he hasn’t even considered.

        39 steps, for example, is every bit as “important” if not more so than Vertigo, and Peeping Tom is far more influential than Psycho.

        It’s horseshit that list- Stalker? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

        The worst type of critical onanism.

      • Continentalop says :

        I haven’t seen Avatar yet, but besides BO & the 3-D craze what long term impact will it have? 3-D is already dying and I don’t know if people will be making blue smurf movies. Plus Breathless actually changed film grammar.

        Personally I prefer Band of Outsiders over Breathless.

      • Droid says :

        Avatar introduced and established 3D. It made it popular and has influenced popcorn films since. Like it or not, 3D will last. There’s been too much investment in it for it to die. Every mainstream cinema has converted to 3D. 3D has traditionally (based on 2-3 years of tradition) increased a films BO noticably. What you’ll find is that, as they figure out what films work (as in, make money) from 3D, it’ll just be more targeted. So films like Bayvengers Baysemble, Spidermeh, Resident Evil 10 and Underworld: The Quickening will be the main type of 3D films.

      • Droid says :

        Is The Hobbit in 3D? Or is it just that 48 fps thing?

      • Jarv says :

        Underworld: The Quickening


      • Continentalop says :

        I hold it against Jaws for helping to invent the summer movie. 😉

        Bet you in 15-20 years Jaws or something like it will be on the list. Certain movies take longer to appreciate (I think Jaws is more innovative than even most critics realize).

      • Droid says :

        When I saw it at the cinema a few weeks ago, it was the first time in about a decade I’d seen it. I’d forgotten just how damn good that movie is.

      • Continentalop says :

        I used to think 3-D was going to last but now I’m not sure. I’ve got to find this article I read where they spell out how 3-D is actually a dumb investment by Hollywood.

      • Droid says :

        The problem is that Hollywood has forced the cinema chains to go to the large expense of converting to 3D. Now it doesn’t really cost them any more to show a film, and they can include the £2.50 per ticket surcharge. So they will put a lot of pressure on to get 3D films from the studios. That’s why I think it will last. I agree that it’s a silly investment.

      • Continentalop says :

        I always loved Jaws (favorite Spielberg movie) but I never realized how truly ingenious it was until I read something that Hitchcock pointed out about it.

      • Droid says :

        Where’d you read it?

        It’s my second fav, just behind Raiders.

      • Continentalop says :

        Interview late in Alfred’s life when asked about Spielberg and Jaws. “Young Spielberg,” he said, “is the first one of us who doesn’t see the proscenium arch.”

        After I heard that I realized he was so damn right, especially in regards to Jaws.

      • Droid says :

        I’m a bit of a dunce. Does that just mean he thinks in film instead of stage?

      • Droid says :

        Or does proscenium arch have an entirely different meaning to what I’m thinking?

      • Continentalop says :

        I always read it as most movies – especially earlier films – kept you distant and just had you feel like you’re watching it through a window at best.

        Jaws made you feel like you were immersed in a world that was wider & deeper than what was on the screen (think of the camera shots where the lens is halfway submerged: you feel like you’re in the ocean – an ocean where a shark is swimming around).

        Jaws is the first movie I can think of where you are nervous about something coming behind or beneath you while you watch it, instead of something just coming out of the screen.

      • Droid says :

        Gotcha. Like i say. Dunce.

        I’d say a movie like Peeping Tom did something similar. The first person POV immersed you in the film, putting you into the shoes of a murderer, not the victim.

      • Jarv says :

        No- if he’s talking about Proscenium arches then he’s referring to a type of stage direction. Certain plays, such as an Inspector Calls (most Priestly, actually) rely on the Proscenium Arch to create a box-set naturalism. Other plays (anything by Brecht) are specifically designed to be performed in “theatre in the round”.

        When he says that about Jaws, what leaps to mind is Equus, which was the first play that could effectively be played in both. However, when Dexter moved it to the round, the impact was immense.

        Jaws, with the shot zooming in on Scheider does the same thing, it brings the audience right up into the action, and the impact is far greater.

        If that makes sense.

      • Droid says :

        Berg stole the dolly zoom from Vertigo.

      • Jarv says :

        I know- but it was for a different effect. Hitch’s use of the dolly zoom was to try to get across what Stewart’s going through, whereas in Jaws it’s for Audience immersion.

      • Droid says :

        I kinda thought it was that the world was crashing in on Scheider.

      • Jarv says :

        I’ve probably totally misinterpreted it.

        When I watched it the other week, I was waiting for it and it literally pulled me almost right on to the beach with the characters. Instant sense of panic and fear.

      • Droid says :

        I’m not saying I’m right. Just that’s how I’ve always seen it. It’s basically just Berg telling us Scheiders shat his togs.

      • Continentalop says :

        Yeah but in Peeping Tom you are still watching through the lens of the camera and by default what is projected on screen (of course, that is part of the point of PT, the voyeurism of watching something on screen). Different from what Berg did in my opinion.

        And I just don’t think PT has the influence of Psycho or impact.

      • Jarv says :

        Got to disagree. Although it’s credited to Psycho, PT was the father of the slasher.

        It had enormous impact, particularly on the likes of Scorsese in the 70’s- in fact it was Marty that single-handedly saved PT from oblivion.

        Psycho itself borrows from PT- the shower murder could have come straight from powell’s notes.

      • Continentalop says :

        There is way too much Tarkovsky & Goddard I admit.

        Glad to see Pathet Panchali on the list though.

      • Jarv says :

        “Kurosawa Akira”

        Wanker. Writing it like the Japanese is just ridiculous fartery. You don’t write Spain “Espana” do you?


      • Jarv says :

        Too much Fellini as well.

      • Droid says :

        Simpy put, not enough Zemeckis.

      • Jarv says :

        You gutted that Forrest Gump didn’t make it?

        The thing is, I don’t think Vertigo is Hitch’s best film- or even most influential. It’s kind of the Hitch film you pick when you’re trying to appear clever.

        It wasn’t as influential as the 39 Steps, or even Psycho, and I don’t, personally, think it’s as good as any one of Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, or Rebecca.

      • Droid says :


        Forrest Gump >>>> Mulholland Drive. Fact.

        Vertigo is one of those “appreciated 20 years later” movies that critics love to knob gobble. It’s a good film, but I prefer Rear Window and 39 Steps definitely. Psycho too.

      • Jarv says :

        Ditto The Birds and North By Northwest.

        Man, I love most Hitchcock films, and can even find some time for Torn Curtain.

      • Droid says :

        NBN definitely. And I really like To Catch A Thief too.

      • Jarv says :

        I do like Vertigo, but between us we’ve listed off a shit load of films that we prefer. There’s no way that’s number 1. No way.

        Fuck it, leave Kane there, as it is still a staggering achievement.

      • Jarv says :

        I prefer Mulholland Drive to Gump.

        But that’s because I hate gump with a vengeance and MD has lesbianage.

        They’re both utter shit, and I’d OoD both of them without question.

      • Continentalop says :

        I love Peeping Tom and realized it influence filmmakers. I just don’t think it is as influential as Psycho (plus I think the Leopard Man might be the father of Slasher films).

        I also don’t think Hitch was influenced by PT. Psycho’s production was wrapped before PT was even released.

      • Jarv says :

        Was it? So it may well be that they drew from something else simultaneously.

        Powell’s career suicide with Peeping Tom was indeed glorious. And what a film to check out on.

      • Continentalop says :

        I also don’t think Vertigo is his best (ranks 5th or 6th for me) but it is his most personal (or at least viewed that way) and that always scores points with critics and directors.

      • Jarv says :

        I don’t buy that at all. Considering his well known psychological freakishness, I’d consider Rebecca and maybe even Marnie as playing out more of his personal issues.

      • Continentalop says :

        I think both Powell & Hitch were influenced by loosening of censorship (Preminger was also making tackling risqué subject matter around then). This was one time Hitch was probably glad he wasn’t first to the punch – I think PT might have been a hit if Psycho had come out first.

        You ever see Leopard Man or Sniper Jarv?

      • Jarv says :

        No, not seen either. I always mean to see Leopard Man and keep forgetting.

        Had Psycho come first, I don’t think it would have done the same damage to Hitch’s career that it did to Powell’s.

        I love the central performances in those films, Perkins and that German geezer put in two of the creepiest performances of all time.

      • Droid says :

        It’s funny to think what those same critics who ranted against Powell would make of movies like Human Centipede or A Serbian Film.

      • Jarv says :

        A Serbian Film.

        Claimed as a masterpiece in places like the Guardian. As is Martyrs.


      • Droid says :

        That is despicable, but I meant the 1960’s critics.

        The guardian is a joke. Cockshaw wrote a review of the opening ceremony and gave it 5 stars!

      • Jarv says :

        Weirdly, though, while they wank over Martyrs, Antichrist and A Serbian Film, they fucking hate the HC movies.

        I fail to see the difference.

        Phillip French is a good critic, but Brooks, Cockshaw and the rest can fuck off and die. Brooks spoiled TDKR BEFORE IT WAS FUCKING RELEASED. The stupid cunt.

        Also, that woman who’s the editor is the worst of the lot of them.

      • koutchboom says :

        What’s funny about that is at least Martyrs looks is nice…for what it’s doing and looks good for better or worse. Serbian Film looks like a DTV movie most of the time….and I’m sorry no matter how “important” your story is if it looks like DTV who gives a shit?

      • Jarv says :

        It’s a fair point.

        Martyrs is shite but polished shite. It is at least cinematic.

        Apparently that DTV look with ASF was intentional

      • Continentalop says :

        Perkins and Bohm are up there with Lorre as creepiest fucks of all time.

      • Jarv says :

        Was it Lorre in M?

        Also, Perkins repeated the trick in that film with Kathleen Turner as a hooker- frightening performance, almost as scary as Bates.

        Perkins was fucked up- he had a weird oedipal relationship with his mother.

      • Continentalop says :

        Vertigo influenced Scorsese, DePalma, and many other directors so I have no problem with it being number 1. Not my number one but I can live with it.

      • Continentalop says :

        Yeah Lorre was in M.

        Perkins was very good in Crimes of Passion (hey a decent Ken Russell film). He was also great in Pretty Poison.

      • Continentalop says :

        Acually Klaus Kinski has to be creepiest fuck of all time. And I’m not even talking about his movie roles.

      • Jarv says :

        Salva? Surely.

      • Jarv says :

        I feel that Vertigo is inferior to Hitchcock’s other more brutally explicit psychological thriller Psycho, but that a persistent gentility in the critical world feels it necessary to reward the classier and more subtle film, and Psycho, for all that it is adored, has the genre taint of “horror” which keeps it out of lists like these.

        Remarkably sensible from cockshaw

    • Jarv says :

      Good on that list:

      Apocalypse Now,
      Seven Samurai
      The Godfather,
      Taxi Driver
      Some Like it Hot.

      Bad on that list

      Mulholland Drive

      What the fuck on that list?

      La Jetee

      • tombando says :

        I’d take the Third Man over Kane, Vertigo etc.

        Outta Hitch’s list you have Notorious, Strangers on a Train, Rebecca, Psycho, etc. Donno what they were smoking.

        No Cagney? You suck.

      • Jarv says :

        It’s a terrible list. Critics do suck.

  14. Droid says :

    Oh hell naw

    Oh hell no!

    Apparently they’re post converting older films into 3D now.

    This box is £90 at Amazon. You could by three pairs of nice shoes for that!

  15. Droid says :

    Jarv, we on for saturday then?

  16. Jarv says :

    Cricket’s shite.

    Still, at least he’s bowling first at Headingly. I’d have murdered him if he’d batted.

  17. Just Pillow Talk says :

    So I finally saw Batman last night…and I loved it. Granted I’ve only seen it once, but I think it’s actually my favorite of the three. The only issue that I really had was Modine’s character, who was utterly pointless and should have been left out. By far the weakest of the character arcs, and which added nothing to the story. I think I preferred this story to all of them, and I have to say I think SPOILER FOR ANY OTHER DOPES WHO HADN’T SEEN IT YET LIKE ME the climb to safety was quite frankly all sorts of awesome. The music / chanting as he climbed and did his leap….

    And I think the ending was pitch perfect.

    • Jarv says :

      Yeah, it’s a good film.

      How’ve you been? Not seen you in a while.

      • Just Pillow Talk says :

        I’ve been okay…work right now is really prohibiting me from procrastinating and pissing the day away here. My boss decided to retire early since he can’t deal with the “kid” CFO, so a project has been dumped on me and now I am “Team Leader”, which blows. The project is being rushed, which is bring about ill feelings by the Ops guys out in the field, and yay, I have to deal with the mess now. Pah!

    • Droid says :

      I may go and see it again over the weekend. I want to see how it plays on second viewing.

  18. tombando says :

    Yankee Doodle Dandy is really good, at least for Cagney who is terrific. His turn as Cody Ross in White Heat is as goods it gets too. C’mon critics at least expand your list once in a while.

  19. Xiphos0311 says :

    I use FF and I’m not having any issues.

  20. tombando says :

    How is Colin Farrell in this?

  21. Continentalop says :

    Tom Jenkins was born 140 years ago. For anybody who likes stories about Old-timey tough guys.


  22. Continentalop says :

    To go with our debate over Sight and Sounds critics list, here is the top 10 movies of Woody Allen, FFC, Michael Mann, Scorsese, and QT:


    Some observations:

    Woody’s list is actually probably the strongest, and easiest to agree with, but it is pretty much just classic standards. All pretty safe choices.

    Michael Mann’s is the most modern, with Apocalypse Now, Raging Bull, Avatar, and Buitiful on his list.

    Scorsese is the most ecclectic (what a surprise) and the only one to have Vertigo on his list (and strangely enough, the only Hitchcock movie to make any of the list).

    QT’s is the “hippest” (wow, what a surprise), with Carrie, Dazed and Confused, The Badnews Bears and Jaws on his list.

    Also interesting, Raging Bull and Apocalypse both were listed twice on other director’s list, and Scorsese topping the other 4 directors by getting three votes (2 for RB, and 1 for Taxi Driver).

    • Continentalop says :

      Make that four votes for Scorsese. FFC voted for Raging Bull and King of Comedy.

    • tombando says :

      Ever see Machine Gun Kelly from ’58 w Bronson? Nicely done tight B movie, an early leading role for Chuck. Check it out if you get a chance.

      • Continentalop says :

        I remember it being ok. I’ll have to check it out again. You ever see Mickey Rooney as Baby Face Nelson, Tom?

      • tombando says :

        I never heard of that one! Okay casting I suppose. I remember him in Pete’s Dragon FWIH.

    • Echo the Bunnyman says :

      Of the lists, I think I relate most to Scorsese’s own list. The Red Shoes, Ugetsu, and The Leopard are great movies that deserve their due.

      I’ve asked this before, but it remains a good question. Is there a difference between a person’s view of the best movies of all time and one’s favorite movies of all time? I think there is, but Im not sure how one would always differentiate.

      I mention this because I feel like Tarantino’s list sounds more like ‘my personal faves’. It’s hard to make a case, I think, for bad news bears, dazed and confused, and pretty maids all in a row being 3 of the best films ever made.

      Mann on the other hand, writes his list like he’s looking at ‘most influential’. Does anyone, even big fans, think Avatar is one of the best films ever made? Although, I can see it being lauded for being one of the most influential (even if Im not completely convinced of that either).

      • Continentalop says :

        What I love about Scorsese’s list is it accomplishes what this list is supposed to do – make you want to seek out films you’ve never seen and/or heard of. I have never seen “Ashes And Diamonds” nor “Salvatore Giuliano” and now, because Scorsese thinks so highly of them, I feel compelled to seek them out.

        And I think “Best of” is different from “Favorite”, The ’87 or ’91 Twins are probably my favorite teams of all time, but I doubt anyone would rate them as one the top 10 World Series Champion teams of all time.

      • tombando says :

        1991 WS easily one of the all timers, loved that one w Black Jack, Kirby and Tapani.

      • Continentalop says :

        hell yeah Tom. The ’91 Twins might not be one of the greatest champs ever, but they sure as hell played in arguably the greatest World Series ever.

        Jack Buck: And we’ll see you tomorrow night!!!

    • Xiphos0311 says :

      that whole article is fucked by the first sentence, Avatard is not anywhere near the best movie ever made its not even a good movie, well it was a good movie, when it was called Aliens. To bad fuck head you fail as both a writer and a human being.

      • tombando says :

        Waiting for Harolds own list.

      • Bartleby says :

        to be fair to the writer, he’s not actually saying he thinks Avatard is one of the best movies ever made. He’s just reciting movies from the various lists below. Strangely enough, the person who holds that baffling position is none other than….Michael Mann. Odd.

  23. koutchboom says :

    Fun until that last worthless shot.

  24. Droid says :

    Weekend viewing…

    The Prestige… Better than I remembered it being, but still has a few problems. Mostly the middle section, which is a bit sluggish and very joyless.

    Buckaroo Bonzai…I have to admit, this didn’t do it for me like it does for everyone else. It’s occasionally funny (mainly Lithgow), very silly but nothing more than alright. DIdn’t dislike it, but just didn’t love it like all you guys.

    Gymkata… Friggin’ hilarious. I laughed out loud all the way through. The best comedy I’ve seen in ages. How the hell that movie cost $8.5m in 1985, which is $17m today, is baffling.

    • Xiphos0311 says :

      Coke was more expensive then.

    • Echo the Bunnyman says :

      Buckaroo Banzai isn’t fantastic, but it’s good one for silly watch. I personally really enjoyed that first time for being so off kilter. I do think it’s not exactly one with much replayability, unless you are watching it with others who are seeing it for the first time.

      • Xiphos0311 says :

        both of are nuts BB is fantastic and has tons of rewatchability Monkey boys.

      • Continentalop says :

        I agree with Xi. BB is very rewatchable IMO. And quotable as hell.

        “Buckaroo, The White House wants to know is everything ok with the alien space craft from Planet 10 or should we just go ahead and destroy Russia?”

        “Tell him yes on one and no on two.”

        “Which one was yes, go ahead and destroy Russia… or number 2?”

      • koutchboom says :

        The ending is still the best part. Compare the ending of BB to the ending of Life Aquatic if your bored.

      • Droid says :

        That is a funny exchange.

        Personally, I think it’s a movie you have to have seen when you are young and have developed a fondness and nostalgia for. I can understand how it can be loved, but seeing it for the first time in my 30’s, it’s just not going to work as well as seeing it when I was 13.

        Basically, Buckaroo Banzai is every male 13 year old’s, and basement dwelling nerd’s, fantasy. It seems like it’s been made by a massive nerd in his 30’s who lives still lives at home with his parents and fantasises about being cool (the band), smart (the neurosurgeon), dangerous (the jet car), irresistible to women, rebellious, famous and popular. Which is fine for the 13 year old, but not so cool for the nerd.

      • Xiphos0311 says :

        that’s most most movies, since most are you know fantasies, look at the flying rat movie tearing up theaters right now. the thing is most movies now are just so bland and uninteresting they amount to absolutely nothing. At least BB took some serious risk and chances in how goofy they went went with it. A majority of movies made since the late 90’s can’t make that claim.

      • koutchboom says :

        I don’t see BB amounting to much in the end. Yeah its got a bunch of wacky ideas but save for the end credit scene its all far from epic. I mean compare it to say BTTF which was around the same time and how much more sticking power that movie had.

        I’ve seen BB a couple times and it doesn’t have much sticking power. Compare it to even Robocop or The Fly and how much more prominent those movies stick out and they took as many chances. BB to me feels almost like a Christopher Guest movie where they were making it up on the fly. Fuck even Big Trouble In Little China stands out more and feels more fleshed out, and BB and that are some sort of sequels to each other are some shit.

      • koutchboom says :

        If anything BB reminds me of Earth Girls are Easy. Another 80s wack-a-do fantasy SyFy movie that also was also just sort of there and zany and not fully fleshed out and not particularly memorable. Neither are terribly bad, but both seem to exist in the fanboi/nerd mind as being better than they actually are.

      • Jarv says :

        Just popping in to let you know that it is 32 degrees and sunny.

        Forecast to remain like this for 10 days.

        That is all

  25. tombando says :

    Only warched some Olympics. So Londoners, whats w that goofy ferris wheel by the Thames they keep showing? It was fun seeing your mayor act as a zipline pinata too.

  26. koutchboom says :

    So did any of the blimeys bother looking into any tickets to anything at the Olympics? If you didn’t, I don’t blame you I don’t support Mitt Romney either, but I’m just curious if you bothered looking. And if you did what was the cheapest thing you found?

  27. kloipy says :

    Hey guys, got some bad news and just asking to keep my family in your thoughts. On tuesday night my Uncle was carrying his granddaughter up the stairs, fell backward and cracked his skull and passed away in few minutes. My mom just lost her mother last November and this was obviously a pretty big shock to us all. He was only 51.

    • Xiphos0311 says :

      Sorry to hear that, much to young, is the granddaughter OK?

      • kloipy says :

        thanks Xi. She’s ok, when he fell, he pulled her close so she wouldn’t get hurt but in doing that he didn’t break his fall. The worst part is that his wife and his older granddaughter were right there when it happened too and saw the whole thing. Just a shock

      • Xiphos0311 says :

        I guess if there is a silver lining to this situation the granddaughter being safe is it. Condolences.

      • kloipy says :

        yeah, that is the one good thing about it. I just know my pap won’t be long after this, my uncle was pretty much taking care of him and he is in bad shape. Losing your wife and then one of your kids in the same year just is cruel. He’s in his 80’s and is pretty much alone and broke. And my piece of shit cousin had the nerve, the day after her father died, to call my pap and ask him for money

    • Droid says :

      Tragic. Really sorry to hear about that, mate.

      • kloipy says :

        Thanks man, we are all just in shock about it. Last night was really hard since I talked to my mom for the first time since we heard the news. She kept calling me by his name our entire conversation which just really affected me. And on his facebook page, his last post was less than a half an hour before he passed away and he was saying about how our family is losing people so much lately. Just really chilling

      • koutchboom says :

        Sorry to hear mate. That’s sad news.

      • kloipy says :

        thanks Koutch. I appreciate it

    • Just Pillow Talk says :

      I’m so sorry to hear that Kloipy. My thoughts go out to you and your family. Like Xi said, thank goodness the granddaughter was unharmed. Damn. It’s tough when family members witness an event like that. A number of years ago, one of my Uncles collapsed from a heartattack on Christmas day and passed away.

      Again, sorry to hear about your loss Kloipy.

      • kloipy says :

        Thank you Pillow- I just can’t imagine that poor kid and how she’ll have to deal with that for the rest of her life. From what my mom told me it was pretty horrible before he passed away. I appreciate your words man

    • tombando says :

      Well that’s terrible Kloipy. Our collective hearts go out to you.

    • Barfy says :

      I’m so sorry for your loss Kloipy. Impossible ti make sense out of something so sudden and unexpected other than it was a tragic accident. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  28. Bartleby says :

    Kloipy, Im so sorry to hear that…family will be in my thoughts.

  29. Continentalop says :

    Kloipy, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Sad news.

  30. Droid says :

    Nothing much to report here. Haven’t watched any movies or TV shows this week. Been watching a lot of the Olympics. The athletics are so much more interesting and entertaining than everything else it’s ridiculous. Like that bloody crazy Yank who ran 200m of his 400m relay on a broken fibula! That’s impressive. Nuts, but impressive.

    • koutchboom says :

      Black Water – probably my least favorite croc movie from 2007, but in terms of low budget films its pretty astounding. Id say its worth a look.

      I also got a hold of Noise so I will end up answering my own question.

      Also saw Following last night, again another amazing no budget/student film. Makes me wish I could hear the conversations between Chris and Hans. Odd he gave that fuck a career then dumps him for Hans who seem to just use his style. But at least he’s still got a career, he did The Descent. Also I’ve wondered this, I’ve thought you could slightly hear the camera rolling sometimes in Nolan films, and you totally can in Following. Maybe Nolan realized no one really gives a shit?

      Also went to an outdoor screening of West Side Story (they had Temple, BTTF, Bueller the past weeks AND I FUCKING MISSED THOSE DROID!!! FAWK!) but I had never seen WSS, pretty amazing film. Didn’t expect it to be THAT stylized, that fucking 20 minute long opening is incredible. I was expecting something like Grease or Sound of Music (from the guy who did Star Trek the motion picture), not this full out non stop musical. We left though with still an hour left so I need to finish it.

    • koutchboom says :

      Also White Collar, Warehouse 13 and Alphas are on. Face Off, Grimm and Hells on Wheels about to start up soon as well. So TV is at its best for the moment.

      Anyone else been watching the new Futuramas?

      • Bartleby says :

        Im surprised how much Im anticipating the return (next week) of Grimm. I expected nothing from that show and so far its turned out to be a fun little supernatural cop program. Quite interested to see where it goes next. It’s cohesive–but not THAT cohesive–so you can watch eps individually, much like X-Files, without feeling lost.

      • koutchboom says :

        Hehehe I can’t believe how short of a break they got. They must have known it was gonna be a hit to have this many episodes done. I’m still finishing last season.

        Oh yeah Teen Wolf is on right now as well, only seen the first episode so far and it was pretty amazing, they went big and it works. I get how the whole thing is Twilight, but it works. It’s a lot if fun, think of the notion of twilight, then think if it was handled properly and with more of a horror edge.

      • Bartleby says :

        Ive seen about three episodes of teen wolf. its derivative of buffy and other stuff, but its not bad. I enjoy it, but theres just too much stuff out there I havent caught up with to pay it much mind right now.

        Alphas and Warehouse 13 have both been very good so far this season.

      • koutchboom says :

        Yeah those first three episodes weren’t great, it got much better after that, and this season opener was awesome. I mean its got the guy who directed Splinter working on it, and it overseen by Russell Mulcahy, that’s like the greatest TV team of all time.

      • koutchboom says :

        Oh boo Tobey didn’t come back this season. Jesus Russell is almost 60.

      • koutchboom says :

        Hehehe the other director on the show worked on the Emmanuelle series, I wonder if Conti knew him.

      • Bartleby says :

        that horror movie splinter? about the sea urchin monster thingee attacking people in a convenience store? I liked that.

        Cool, I’ll give it another whirl. Hadnt given up on it just hadnt got the opportunity to return to it.

      • koutchboom says :

        Yeah, it took me a while to finally watch it, and I did most of season one in bulk which was good because it got exciting toward the end.

    • kloipy says :

      Told Xi over at my site, the wife and I just finished the first season of GOT. I liked it, I don’t think it’s anywhere near as great as people have been making it out to be. Sets, costumes, The dink, the nudity, Sean Bean, all top notch. But some of the acting and directing leaves some to the imagination

      True Blood season 5- what i’ve seen so far has been alright. Nothing special though

      Breaking Bad season 5- off to a great start and the last episode had one of the best scenes of the series so far

      • koutchboom says :

        I’ve only been able to see the first episode of BB this season since I got fucking dish. It was ok, a bit ridiculous though, one of the weaker openings. A guy I know has some role on three episode stint on the show which I wanna see.

        Check out Hells on Wheels, that may be the best show on TV at the moment, another reason I’m pissed dish and AMC are bitching. Everyone who I’ve gotten to watch that show dug it. It’s better than Deadwood to me, mainly cause its not boring and pretty bad ass.

      • kloipy says :

        Koutch- keep watching it if you can find it. Man it gets so good. If I could say anything about this season it would be to title it ‘Broke Bad’. Walt has gone ‘full heisenberg’. If you get to see more, let me know what you think

      • koutchboom says :

        OH yeah ill watch it, that first episode ended great at least. Just the whole thing with the magnet and then the picture was a bit….”Ooookkkkkkkkk…..yeah.” Also Cranstand didn’t direct it and he’s been directing the season openers since season 2, which is probably why it was a little less stylish.

      • kloipy says :

        What I’m loving so much about BB other than how great the acting/directing/storylines are is that in this final season, you see what they’ve been building on the entire time. Look at Walt in season 1 and compare to where he is in season 5. It feels like a show that is in the hands of someone who understands the character and exactly what they want to happen. Then look at the last season (or 2) of Lost and compare how much of that show betrayed character/story that it had built to so far

      • koutchboom says :

        Hehehe Vince was on Conan last night and admitted that they make it up as they go along and realize they paint themselves into corners all the time.

        I figure he’s talking about the plot, they’ve always had the goal of Walt turning into a king pin. But yeah people who believe the creators of lost knew where it was going from Day one are idiots. Mainly cause of all the turn around on show runners proves that it wasn’t a set in stone thing. And also Jack was originally going to be killed in the first episode…sooooo how does that work?

      • Xiphos0311 says :

        BB is finally starting to reach its potential although Malcolm dad’s character is entirely unbelievable but now that Mike is full time they should throw Malcolms Dad out and just focus on Mike, Pinkman and what’s his face the DEA agent.

      • kloipy says :

        i like that they have Walt like this because it’s just his hubris. you can tell he thinks he knows it all but is really clueless

      • koutchboom says :

        Yeah I wanna see a conversation between Walt and Hank about working on Total Recall.

      • koutchboom says :

        So Xi you still watch Breaking Bad? I thought you fucking hated it? Or did you just hate it’s acclaim?

  31. Bartleby says :

    West Side Story is great, maybe a bit antiquated for some audiences but great nonetheless.

    Robert Wise was a versatile director. You never realize how much so until you look at his filmography.

    Droid, still interested in a Killer Joe review? It just opened here in B-more, one of the few cityies I think got it.

    I wish I liked it more than I do. Having a hard time struggling up something to write about it. It would just be five or six paragraphs about what a creepy effer Matthew McConaughey is.

    • Continentalop says :

      Robert Wise is one of my favorite directors. Like Bart said, he was so versatile, but I admit my favorite genres he did were horror (The Haunting, Curse of the Cat People, The Body Snatcher) & noir (Born to Kill, The Set-Up, Odds Against Tomorrow, I Want to Live).

      …Plus the Sand Peebles.

  32. tombando says :

    Remember he did the Sand Pebbles And Day the Earth Stood Still. And helped edit Kane. He was great.

  33. tombando says :

    Both scenes rock, thank you for that Conti Pops. Cagney uber alles.

  34. Just Pillow Talk says :

    I watched In Time last night…blah pretty much sums it up. Sort of an interesting concept, but the execution, actors, left something to be desired. The chick has a nice rack though.

  35. Droid says :

    Hey guys. Have been neck deep in a project for work so haven’t had a chance to laze around on here. Anyhoo, here’s the trailer for Martin McDonagh’s new flick.

    Woody FTW!!!

  36. Just Pillow Talk says :

    Crap movie #2 in 2 days: Contagion. Talk about your hollow pieces of crap. No storyline was that interesting…could have used Bane in it I think.

  37. tombando says :

    Did it need Giant Robots?

  38. koutchboom says :

    Here’s that video you were looking for Xi


  39. koutchboom says :

    FUCK YEAH XI! Looks like the hard work paid off!


  40. Continentalop says :

    Tony Scott is reported to have committed suicide.


  41. D.Vader says :

    Just wanted to share some Tony Scott stories from my time at Scott Free.

    While Tony had his own offices, Totem, elsewhere in town, he was at Scott Free frequently for prepro meetings on “Domino”, so I did meet him and see him often. Whereas Ridley was dour and serious most of the time, Tony was happy and jovial, exciting and excitable, fun and funny too. He always wore that vest. And those pink shorts.

    One day he chased Ridley’s hot female assistant around the conference room with a cucumber while I was in there, threatening to use it on her. It was pretty damned funny, and that’s probably the best memory I have of the guy.

    One of my first jobs that June of 2004 was to take an old photograph and find someone in town who could copy it, preferably by taking a high quality picture of it. Ridley wanted another photo, not just a typical photocopy. It was a black and white picture of Ridley and Tony when they were kids back in the UK, with Tony maybe 3 years old and Ridley 10. It was to be a present for Tony’s 60th birthday. Ridley had written on it:

    “You may be 60, but you’re still my baby brother. Love, Ridley”

    I feel terrible that he’s gone, and I feel sad for Ridley, having lost his other brother to cancer decades ago. But I’m fortunate I got to meet the man and spent some time in his presence.

  42. Spud McSpud says :

    Ah, hell. That’s a damn shame. Tony Scott was a true original: a maverick in every sense, doing his own thing in the face of critical disapproval (usually overturned when the finished product came in) and fickle box-office returns. Even the stuff I didn’t warm to, such as DOMINO, was interesting: the stuff he did well, was nothing short of astonishing. The aerial sequences in TOP GUN. The intensity of the character drama in CRIMSON TIDE. The lighting, the atmosphere and the sheer exhilaration of THE LAST BOY SCOUT. The emotional intensity of MAN ON FIRE. And the old-school but new resurgence of classic Tony in UNSTOPPABLE. I rewatched that last movie with a pint of Goliath tonight and toasted Tony, thanked him in spirit for everything his movies have ever meant to me. He was a genuine talent, an inspired visualist who cared deeply for his work even as it was shamelessly populist and aimed squarely at the majority of cinemagoers. THE HUNGER was the closest he got to arthouse, and thank God: as great as THE HUNGER is, it’s his work since that defined his legacy.

    A line leaps out at me as I’m listening to Kerrang in the background: “Gonna spend my cash, so kiss my ass, the whole damn world gonna know I’ve been here”. That’s Tony, in my mind. Never met him, never spoken to him, this is just what I know from his interviews and his quotes.But that sounds like the man. The whole damn world knew he’d been here. Like his last movie, unstoppable. Until he stopped himself, for whatever reasons will come to light in the coming days. But none of them will mean a damn thing. We lost a legend today. Rest In Peace, Tony, and thanks for the movie memories. You were truly great.

  43. MW says :

    Who the fuck is MW? Well, apart from me, of course! I should be coltighfighter, so fuck knows whats going on?

    Or more should I say, every online account seems to be merging now. My Yahoo and Google accounts are different, but per browser I can only log into one profile, or the other.

    And WordPress just seemed to recognise me. Now which fucking account have I just linked to this? Took me a week before I realised my twatter twits were appearing on facebook.

    Honestly, I have no fucking idea who I am online anymore.

    • Col. Tigh-Fighter says :

      Who the fuck is MW? Well, apart from me, of course! I should be coltighfighter, so fuck knows whats going on?

      Or more should I say, every online account seems to be merging now. My Yahoo and Google accounts are different, but per browser I can only log into one profile, or the other.

      And WordPress just seemed to recognise me. Now which fucking account have I just linked to this? Took me a week before I realised my twatter twits were appearing on facebook.

      Honestly, I have no fucking idea who I am online anymore.

      PS. Just fixed it. Found the errant entry, 😉

  44. koutchboom says :

    Hrmmm a wolvian favorite, mainly thanks to the wolvian loved 30 Days of Night finally gets a non Shonda Rhimes tv show…..


  45. Continentalop says :

  46. Droid says :

    Watched The Five Year Engagement last night. First half is pretty decent, but the second half is OoD worthy, up until right at the end, when it’s okay. But bloody hell it not only falls off the rails, it plummets into an abyss of horseshit. I know the exact point it does it too.

    It’s also far, far, far, far, far too fucking long. 2 hours 10 minutes! That’s half an hour too long at least! Why the fuck are these comedies so long now? Bah!

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